- "You... You're the spitting image of my son! Heh heh heh... I lied. Forgive me."
- — Wooden Grunty —
The Wooden Grunty is a Grunty players can raise in the Omega Server.
Stat Requirements[]
- Size: 40 to --
- Body Odor: 3 to 7
- Rebel: 8 to 22
- Brutality: -2 to 12
- Intell.: 8 to 22
- Purity: 13 to 27
Food Combinations[]
There are many different combinations but these are just a few suggestions.
1st Combination[]
- 19 Golden Eggs
- 3 Cordyceps
2nd Combination[]
- 4 Cordyceps
- 1 Immature Egg
- 17 Golden Eggs
Grunty Racing Stats[]
Grunty | Speed | Acceleration | Turning |
Wooden Grunty | Above Average | Excellent | Excellent |
- When summoned with the Grunty Flute, the Wooden Grunty finds the Magic Portals.