Orders? No, I'm only offering it as... a suggestion.
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A Tribal Grappler.

Tribal Grappler (拳術士) is a class in The World R:2. Similar to the Melee Fighters from R:1, Tribal Grapplers specialize in unarmed hand-to-hand combat.


This class has the advantage of a very high attack speed, allowing it to achieve normal Rengeki extremely fast, in addition to very high HP. Their defense, however, is very low. They also have a very limited repertoire of arts.


See: Gauntlets

List of Skills

In The World R:2, unlike in its predecessor, skills are inherent to a class, not to a weapon. As a player raises his or her job level, he or she will gain access to new abilities.

  • 獅子連撃 - Rapid Attack (Normal, Job Lv. 1)  
  • 仁王槌 - King Hammer (Piercing, Job Lv. ?)

Tribal Grapplers in G.U.

See Category:Tribal Grapplers.


  • Tribal Grapplers were simply called "Grapplers" in the Japanese version; the reason for the change is unknown.