
Treasure Items (宝物) are items in The World that have no real use but have high trade value and high selling prices in the shops.

Name Use Easily obtained at:
3-Floor Tower (一刀彫の三重塔) Trade to Alicia for a Cats Hat Σ Noisy Sacred Ringing Ears
Aromatic Grass (エノコロ草) Give to Mia for 100 Affection Points Trade with Grunties
Boxed Lunch (栗こわいの駅弁) Trade to Benoit for a Yoshida (26) Σ Greedy Gambler's Drift
Chinese Food (中華街お食事券) Trade to Annri for a Super Wufei Λ Capricious Unending Corridor
Christmas Card (クリスマスカード) Trade to Jutah for a Silent Bomber Ω Reincarnated Elusive Lyric Poet
Crystal Stone (結晶石) Trade or sell for 5000 GP
Doll Amulet (さるぼぼ人形) Trade to Stare for a Cats Mail Σ Unusual Ghostly Remnant
Field's Deed (原野の権利書) Trade to Waffle for a Dreams of Yore Σ Tested Morphean Alchemy
Golem Parts (鉄巨神のパーツ) Trade or sell for 10000 GP
Grunt Doll (ヘビグソ人形) Trade or sell for 250 GP
Ice Bar (アイスの棒) Trade to Panta for a Key Axe Δ Hideous Organ Market Scaffold
Ivory Barette (象牙のかんざし) Trade or sell for 2000 GP
Magnolia Miso (朴葉みそセット) Trade to Flare for a Cats Gloves Σ Barking Hot-Blooded 500 Lohan
Maiden's Plot (乙女の下心) Trade to Teria for a Thunder Dad Σ Abrasive False Tragedy
Rainbow Card (虹色のレアカード) Trade or sell for 500 GP
Rouge Fragment (ルージュの欠片) Trade to Cyan for a Gimme Life Σ Entwined Prejudiced Chaos
Ruby Brooch (ルビーのブローチ) Trade or sell for 4000 GP
Scarlet Plate (緋ぼかしの皿) Trade or sell for 2500 GP
Scent of Gero (下呂の香り) Trade to Fool for a Cats Boots Σ Ancient Destroyer's Battlefield
Silver Scarab (銀のコガネムシ) Trade or sell for 1500 GP
Vessel of Sky (天空のうつわ) Trade or sell for 15000 GP
Yellow Candy (山吹色の菓子) Trade or sell for 1000 GP