

Does Atoli join Canard? As far as I'm aware she only got a Guest Pass to the Guild. She never became a member. --CRtwenty 02:00, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

I am playing the game and it does give the message "Atoli has joined Canard!" Atoli then goes on about how players can join multiple guilds. ~ Ichida
I can confirm she did join Canard according to the translation. Kulaguy 03:43, 27 October 2006 (UTC)
She does join Canard. You get an email telling you that she has joined after you recruit her for the arena. --Phoenix 22:20, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

Real life

In real life, Atoli was picked on in middle school, which resulted in her shutting herself in her room and browsing suicide websites, which is where she was befrended by Sakaki and asked to join The World. Should this be on Atoli's page, Sakaki's, or both? - Lyrai.

Atoli's, assuming of course it's true. --CRtwenty 16:28, 26 January 2007 (UTC)
It comes from mail she sends in you in //GU 3, if you send her greeting cards. Although I'm slightly disturbed myself at a 9 year old on suicide websites.
What did the actual text say?--SicInfit 17:38, 26 January 2007 (UTC)
lawl, what was Sakaki doing on suicide sites? o.0; - Amaethon
What's Sakaki doing using AIDA on people in a quest to take over the world? He's just a bit insane.--Ellimist 21:10, 26 January 2007 (UTC)
No, he actually helped her get out of her depression. I'm not to that point yet, but according to one of the magazine articles it seems that Sakaki really is a good person, but he was warped by the AIDA, and afterwards he appears to a kind 10-year-old boy, the same one that helped Atoli... - Kuukai2 21:40, 26 January 2007 (UTC)


When Atoli was infected by AIDA, which kind was it (Like AIDA<Anna> or AIDA<Gatekeeper>), or did it not have a name?

It wasn't named. Probably Anna or something like that, though. --Biccy 21:46, 18 May 2007 (UTC)
It was an AIDA<Helen> --CRtwenty 21:53, 18 May 2007 (UTC)
... Hm. Unsigning person, were you referring to the end of volume 1, or the stuff in Moon Tree?--Biccy 22:21, 18 May 2007 (UTC)
It was Helen the first time, no one knows about the second time... - Kuukai2 22:41, 18 May 2007 (UTC)

Ok, Im signed in now. I was refering to volume 2, so it is unknown what the Moon Tree one was?--Sabaku no fenikkusu 12:16, 21 May 2007 (UTC)

As of now, it is unknown. It wasn't actually mentioned. -AA