
"I've been waiting for you, for such a long time. I need you, just as you need me. Let us walk together, for as long as we walk together, I shall protect you."
Morganna Mode Gone

Role Play is the first episode of .hack//SIGN.


In the beginning of the episode, Tsukasa is seen waking up near the Gott Statue. He apparantly doesn't know what happened or who he is. Once he is standing, he meets the friendly Mimiru, who greets him, but Tsukasa leaves the dungeon with a Sprite Ocarina. In the field, he is approached by three Crimson Knights that ask Tsukasa about a cat-like PC. He ignores them and gates out. Tsukasa soon remembers seeing the cat PC before he was knocked out. At Dun Loireag, he meets Mimiru, whom is none too happy about ignoring her earlier. Tsukasa tells her to leave him alone, which she replies to by smacking him in the face. Unexpectedly, Tsukasa claims to have felt pain from the slap. He later meets Bear, a friend of Mimiru's. Bear offers to help Tsukasa, but Tsukasa again rudely gates out.

In a dungeon, Tsukasa is led to the Gott Statue by Maha, the cat player. Inside the chest is a stone tablet, which speaks to him offering guidance and protection. As Tsukasa exits the dungeon, he encounters the captain of the Crimson Knights, Silver Knight. Tsukasa attempts to escape via the Sprite Ocarina, but Silver Knight had blocked the area and disabled the use of escape items. Tsukasa fends off the Knight's attack for a while but is eventually overpowered. Before Silver Knight can finish him off, a strange dumbbell-shaped monster appears and attacks Silver Knight, apparently saving Tsukasa.


  • The Grunty that Tsukasa rides in this episode is a Stray Grunty. Stray Grunties are not supposed to be ridable by players, so how he got it is unknown.
  • The strange creature Tsukasa encounters in the spring is Monsieur, one of the water demons who lives in the Spring of Myst.