Lumina Cloth

The World Information
Warring City
Vibrant Life
Level Range

Lumina Cloth is unique server for PVP battles. Within the game it contains three famous battlefields and is the @HOME of Icolo, a guild consisting of Arena Champions, or Emperors. Here the only PKing that can occur is within the Arena Hall, a tall building housing in the center of the root town containing special combat areas known as Palaces. Lumina Cloth is frequented by players of all levels, and is an ideal place to obtain rare items through trade.

The World R:2 Storyline[]

In the storyline of The World R:2, Lumina Cloth is the seat of power for the Teutates the Pursuers, a mix of humans and beast who were in search of pure power, distinct from good and evil.


See Arena.

The World R:X[]



  • Lumina Cloth's name could have originated from the Latin "lumina" meaning vibrant, and the Greek "clotho" meaning life. In all likelihood Bandai combined various old languages - in this case Latin and Greek - into an appealing name for the Root Towns. Alternately, its English meaning can be interpreted as a poetic name, "shimmering" like a vibrant fabric in the light, while the "new world" feel of The World R:2 and nature as an urban city hub has it draw similarities to the real life historic Silk Road, where trade from Europe to the Far East often happened in cities on its routes such as Samarkand and Gandhara.

Root Towns

The World:

Mac Anu (Δ) · Dun Loireag (Θ) · Carmina Gadelica (Λ) · Fort Ouph (Σ) · Lia Fail (Ω) · Naval Monte

The World R:2:

Mac Anu (Δ) · Dol Dona (Θ) · Lumina Cloth (Ω) · Breg Epona (Σ)
