
The .hack//GAME MUSIC Best Collection and the .hack//GAME MUSIC Perfect Collection' are soundtracks of selected songs from the four .hack Games. The disc features a variety of music ranging from the peaceful Celtic melodies of the Root Towns to the increasingly chaotic tracks of the Phase battles. All tracks are composed and arranged by BooHooWoo. BooHooWoo is the nickname for three different composers; Chikayo Fukuda, Seizo Nakata, Norikatsu Fukuda. The soundtrack features vocals by Tomoyo Mitani.

The Perfect Collection was the Japanese original version, the Best Collection is the US-version and contains fewer tracks that the original.


GAME MUSIC Best Collection[]

Track Type Title Time
1 rtown0 Delta Server Aqua Capital Mac Anu 2:11
2 stage01 Field Prairie Rain As a General Rule-Combat 2:19
3 aura1 Aura's Theme 2:49
4 blackrose BlackRose's Theme 1:56
5 cathedral The Concealed Forbidden Sanctuary 0:58
6 str9_2 Balmung Appears then the Virus Bug 2:08
7 mia Mia's Theme 1:07
8 piros Piros's Theme 1:29
9 rtown1 Theta Server Highland City Dun Loireag 2:22
10 ev05 Phase 1 Skeith 2:34
11 str10 A Recollection of Volume 1 (The Birth of Cubia) 1:11
12 str11 Lios ~ Helba 2:30
13 ev10 Phase 2 Innis 2:24
14 rtown2 Lambda Server Cultural City Carmina Gadelica 2:04
15 dgn03 Field Forest as a General Rule-Combat 2:29
16 ev00 Net Slum 1:38
17 ev11 Phase 3 Magus 2:18
18 rtown5 Sigma Server Aerial City Fort Ouph 2:07
19 ev13 Phase 4 Fidchell 2:26
20 puti Putiguso's Theme 1:29
21 ev14 Phase 5 Gorre 2:20
22 str19 Macha's Arrival 1:08
23 ev17 Phase 6 Macha 2:34
24 rtown6 Omega Server Relic City Lia Fail 1:46
25 ev20 Cubia the Fourth Level 2:14
26 ev18 Phase 7 Tarvos 2:34
27 ev19_1 Phase 8 Corbenik The First - The Second Levels 2:50
28 str21 Drain Heart 2:48
29 ending Ending 2:51
30 staff4 Volume 4 Staff Roll 3:08
31 srt32 Resurrection of Mia-A Revolution Fantasy 3:09

GAME MUSIC Perfect Collection[]

Disc 1[]

Track Type Title Time
1 title Title 0:47
2 desktop Desktop 1:41
3 toppage Top Page "The World" 1:31
4 rtown0 Delta Server - Aqua Capital Mac Anu 2:14
5 rtown1 Theta Server - Highland City Dun Loireag 2:24
6 rtown2 Lambda Server - Cultural City Carmina Gardelica 2:06
7 rtown5 Sigma Server - Aerial City Fort Ouph 2:10
8 rtown6 Omega Server - Relic City Lia Fail 1:48
9 puti_farm Puchiguso Farm 1:23
10 stage01 Prairie Rain Field Normal ~ Battle 2:22
11 stage04 Wasteland Field Normal ~ Battle 2:36
12 stage08 Earth Field Normal ~ Battle 2:08
13 stage12 Wilderness Field Normal ~ Battle 3:09
14 stage17 Snowfield Night Field Normal ~ Battle 2:36
15 stage19 Desert Field Normal ~ Battle 2:42
16 stage21 Scorching Field Normal ~ Battle 2:14
17 dgn03 Forest Field Normal ~ Battle 2:31
18 dgn00 Stone Wall Dungeon Normal ~ Battle 2:40
19 dgn01 Cave Dungeon Normal ~ Battle 2:43
20 dgn10 Castle Dungeon Normal ~ Battle 2:17
21 dgn02 Flesh Wall Dungeon Battle 1:37
22 ev05 Phase 1: Skeith 2:36
23 ev10 Phase 2: Innis 2:26
24 ev11 Phase 3: Magus 2:20
25 ev13 Phase 4: Fidchell 2:28
26 ev14 Phase 5: Gorre 2:22
27 ev17 Phase 6: Macha 2:37
28 ev18 Phase 7: Tarvos 2:36
29 ev19_1 Phase 8: Corbenik (Stage 1~2) 2:54
30 ev19_2 Phase 8: Corbenik (Stage 3) 2:34

Disc 2[]

Track Type Title Time
1 Loop1 Vol. 1 Opening 1:32
2 aura1 Aura's Theme 2:51
3 blackrose BlackRose's Theme 1:59
4 cathedral Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground 1:01
5 str9_1 First Time at the Holy Ground with BlackRose 1:50
6 str9_2 Balmung's Entry and the Virus Bug 2:11
7 mia Mia's Theme 1:09
8 piroshi Piros' Theme 1:32
9 str01 Cubia's Birth 1:27
10 staff1 Staff Roll - Volume 1 to Volume 3 4:03
11 ev07 Airship Brigade 1:32
12 bonus0 800 Significant Seasons Bonus Track: Panta-Kun 1:35
13 Loop2 Vol. 2 Opening 1:32
14 str10 Vol. 1 Recollection (Cubia's Birth) 1:13
15 str11 Lios - Helba 2:32
16 ev00 Net Slum 1:41
17 aura2 Aura and Cubia 0:53
18 ev06 Cubia - Stages 1~3 2:20
19 ev08 Inverted Castle City 1:30
20 dgn12_2 Angolmoa 1:17
21 bonus1 800 Significant Seasons Bonus Track: Tempest 1:38
22 Loop3 Vol. 3 Opening 1:30
23 str17 Kite and Blackrose in Lambda Town 1:36
24 str30 Sora and Skeith 0:56
25 puti Puchiguso's Theme 1:31
26 puti_win2 Puchiguso Race Victory Melody 0:42
27 ev09 Flying Creature 1:34
28 bonus2 800 Significant Seasons Bonus Track: Cyan and Princess Teria 2:06
29 Loop4 Vol. 4 Opening 1:28
30 str19 Macha's Appearance 1:09
31 str20 Mia's Death 1:59
32 ev20 Cubia Stage 4 2:15
33 str21 Drain Heart 2:51
34 ending Ending 2:55
35 staff4 Staff Roll Volume 4 3:11
36 str32 Recurring Illusions of Mia's Resurrection 3:13
37 bonus3 800 Significant Seasons Bonus Track: Tail Concerto 2:30
38 bonus4 800 Significant Seasons Bonus Track: .hack Mix 2:23

Disc 3[]

Disc Three contains various sound effects used in the game as well as the Grunty food's talk.


Aura's Theme, Macha Appears[1], Ending[]

German English Translation

Der See von Alba brodelt.
Der große Baum von Licht[2] fiel[3].
Wesen ohne Schatten,
ihr' [4] Welt zerfällt zu nichts.
Der Mann mit Schatten,
er kehrt bald hierher zurück.

The sea of Alba boils.
The great tree of light fell.
Being without shadows,
their world crumbles to nothing.
The man with shadow,
he'll return here soon.


  1. The Song Macha Appears uses the only the lines 5 and 6.
  2. In the song, "Licht" ("light") is pronounced "Lucht".
  3. This could also be due to bad pronounciation, however, this word rather sounds like "fiel" ("fell", past tense), not like "fällt" ("falls", present tense). However, it's strange that the first line uses present tense, but the second line not, especially since the original Epitaph (seen in the beginning of .hack/Infection) uses present tense for both lines.
  4. The "e" of the word "ihre" ("their") is swallowed, making it pronounced as "ihr".

Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground[]

German English Translation
Der Mann mit Schatten
auf der Such' nach dem Abenddrachen...
Der Mann mit Schatten
kehrt nicht mehr hierher zurück.
...auf der Suche nach dem Abenddrachen.
The man with shadow
on the quest for the Twilight dragon....
The man with shadow
won't return here anymore.
...on the quest for the Twilight dragon.



  • Both the track titles and this disc's liner notes were direct translations; as a result, original Japanese names are used, which may be confusing.
  • Unlike in .hack//SIGN and the Games, art of Skeith can be seen with his unedited cross-shaped wand in this disc's jewel case.
  • Piros's theme music was originally to be played in dungeons as well as the fields, but this was changed later in production.