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CC Corp update

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An Edge Punisher.

"Edge Punishers are a job class that prefers to wield giant swords. A blow from one of these weapons has enormous power. It can slice most enemies in half with a single strike."
The World R:2 Official Site. —

Edge Punisher (撃剣士) is a class in The World R:2. Similar to the Heavy Blades from R:1, Edge Punishers use huge, double-handed Broadswords.


Edge Punishers excel in physical attacking, especially against armored foes, however, they are much slower than classes such as the Blade Brandier. Edge Punishers also have high defense from the heavy armors they wear.


See Broadswords.

List of Skills

In The World R:2, unlike in its predecessor, skills are inherent to a class, not to a weapon. As a player raises his or her job level, he or she will gain access to new abilities. (Names in italics are tentative)

  • 虎乱襲 - Tiger Blitz (Target: Unit, Normal, SP Required: 12, Job Lv. 1)
  • 壱刹・双月 - Twin Moons (Target: Unit, Aerial, SP Required: 15, Job Lv. 3)
  • 初伝・鎧断 - Armor Pierce (Target: Unit, Piercing, SP Required: 18, Job Lv. 5)
  • 骨破砕 - Bone Crusher (Target: Area, Piercing, SP Required: 20, Job Lv. 7)
  • 伏虎跳撃 - Tiger Strike (Target: Area, Normal, SP Required: 28, Job Lv. 12)
  • 奥義・甲冑割 - Shell Breaker (Target: Unit, Piercing, SP Required: 36, Job Lv. 15)

Edge Punishers in G.U.

See Category:Edge Punishers.


  • The Edge Punisher class was originally called Brandish in the Japanese version. The kanji, however, means something more like "Impact Swordsman".