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Character Profile
Name Crim
Gender Male
Class Long Arm
Media Information
Japanese Voice Shinichiro Miki
English Voice Lex Lang
First Appearance .hack//SIGN
Name ?
Age 25-35?
Gender Male

"If you desire to know the truth, you must also have the courage to accept it."
— Crim —

Crim (クリム) was one of the founders of the Crimson Knights. He is a Long Arm of tremendous skill and power.



Crim is a male Long Arm with spiky blue hair. He wears a red jacket and flared red and yellow pants. He keeps his jacket open, revealing his bare chest which is marked with is wave symbol.


Crim is a very happy-go-lucky player. He enjoys living on the edge and testing his skills against strong monsters. As a self proclaimed defender of justice he never turns down a chance to help somebody in need. Especially not if that person is a pretty girl. He used to be a member of the Crimson Knights, but left when he felt that it was tying him down. He prefers to keep the real world and the game world seperate, and will take breaks from the game if he feels it's getting to be too bothersome. He is close to Subaru, who he founded the Crimson Knights with and BT who is his current partner. He has a bit of a rivalry with Silver Knight, though most if it is on Silver Knight's side, not his.


Basic Info

Offline Crim is a Businessman. He spends long hours at the office, and is frequently sent off on business trips to places all around the world. His age is unknown, but he's likely in his late twenties to early thirties.


Playing The World is Crim's main hobby, though he's also a big fan of books. Interestingly Ryo Sakuma is one of his favorite authors, he frequently uses quotes from his books in the game.




Kite first sees Crim as a memory fragment. Later in .hack//Quarantine Kite runs into Crim after traveling to a location where Subaru was rumored to be. Crim informs Kite that Subaru no longer plays The World, and that he was wasting his time looking for her. He said he'd like to help out, but that he had business in the real world to attend to. Before leaving he let it slip that Kite had become a celebrity in The World. Crim can later be found wandering about the Root Towns. He has numerous Heavy Axeman weapons available to trade, possibly gifts he'd intended to give to Subaru.


Crim meets up with most of the .hack gang at a bar in Carmina Gadelica. He tries to give Tsukasa some advice about manly vigor. But is stopped by Mimiru who reminds him that Tsukasa's actually a girl, and has no need for that kind of advice. He later travels to Net Slum where he joins a party hosted by Helba.


Crim in .hack//Gift.


In GIFT Crim teams up with Subaru and Silver Knight to find the location of Helba's Hot Springs. After watching Subaru beat the snot out of Silver Knight for making an offcolor comment, he states that she's grown strong. After reaching the Hot Springs he's challenged to a fight by Sora. He accepts the challenge and the two being fighting each other, suspended by wires above the field. Balmung accidently gets caught up in the fight and gets some of his feathers ripped off by Crim's Spear. This causes him to fly into a beserk rage and attack Crim, allowing Sora to slip away. Later he peeps on Subaru and the other .hack girls as they bathe in the hot springs.


  • Crim's title is "The Red Lightning", this is possibly a reference to his appearance.
  • Crim apparently has a Rocker Grunty, he was seen riding one in an episode of SIGN.