Orders? No, I'm only offering it as... a suggestion.
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"Humans have physical limits, but the AI has no limits to growth. I want to know where it will lead. I want to see what lies there."
Harald Hoerwick

"Artificial Intelligence", or "AI" for short refers to programs that are able to act independently of a user. AI-controlled characters automatically act based on their programming, and are often used to run NPCs.

Vagrant AIs

Vagrant AIs (also called "Wandering AIs") are AIs that act outside of CC Corp's programming. Some are created by hackers for fun or to cause problems; these Vagrant AIs are targeted for destruction by the Cobalt Knights. However, there are quite a few AIs that exist as a part of the black box programmed into The World by Harald Hoerwick.

Ultimate AI

The Ultimate AI is the ultimate goal of Harald Hoerwick. If there truly was an Ultimate AI, it would have the ability to act of its own accord, judge for itself what actions to take, contradict itself, evolve by itself, and have a personality indistinguishable from humans. Harald named the one fated to become the Ultimate AI Aura, and created the Morganna System to collect the data from players—transmitted through monsters, equipment, and even money in the game—to create the Ultimate AI


AIDA stands for Artificially Intelligent Data Anomaly. It is a term used by CyberConnect to refer to the "black spots" and the creatures that come out of them. Little is known about the AIDA, but according to Yata, the main interest of the AIDA lies with humans. It is for this reason that they stay within The World, and do no spread outwards into the rest of the Internet. It is because of this that Yata believes that The World must remain open to its entire userbase, and not shut off to only administrators.

Types of AIDA


AIDA-PC is a term referring to player characters that are infected by AIDA. Infection appears to take several forms and has several effects on the PC, Epitaph Users may become infected and lose control of their Avatar, and the AIDA may manifest into a physical form, or even alter a player's PC itself.

Characters that have been infected by AIDA include:

Other AIDA Meanings

This is a list of other meanings of AIDA given in text in .hack//G.U.

  • Automatic Idea Damnating Affection
  • Agent of ID Dominational Act
  • Anti-Intrusion Device for "AURA"
  • Appear from Illusion and Dance in the Actuality
  • AI which Decides as Attorney
  • Automated Ideal Data Acquisition
  • Abrupt Invisible Damnation Alastor