Orders? No, I'm only offering it as... a suggestion.
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.hack//Another Birth is a 4-volume novel series retelling the events of the .hack//Games from the view of BlackRose.



The translated version was released by Tokyopop in the U.S. on June 13, 2006.


The translated version was released by Tokyopop in the U.S. on October 10, 2006.


The translated version was released by Tokyopop in the U.S. on February 7, 2007.


The translated version was released by Tokyopop in the U.S. on July 10, 2007.


  • Because of an April Fool's joke, some poorly-informed RPGamer readers thought that Another Birth was another version of the Games through BlackRose's perspective. It was only after several emails that RPGamer put a note at the top of the page that it was a joke.
  • Early pictures of the cover for volume 4 put the title as "Surrounded", however the official title is "Quarantine" just like the game.

See also
